WaterWater is just an amazing substance. One of the easiest and quickest way to look and feel healthier - and younger - while extending your life and becoming more energetic, is to start drinking more water and/or consume more water-rich foods (fruits and vegetables that have a high water content.)
The human body is over 70 percent water anyway. Most of the vital processes of our body require water. It is important to keep it that way. If you reach for water or juice only when you're thirsty, it's usually too late.
Keep yourself hydrated on a regular basis. And, increase your fluid intake on hot days, or when you're more active than normal.
Make it a habit to start your day by filling up a tall glass (or bottle) of water. Keep it with you and sip on it every 30 minutes or so. Fill up when you're done. (You don't want to feel bloated, just as long as you're drinking enough. Most of us aren't.)
If water is not the easiest thing for you to drink by itself, there are lots of alternatives. Throw a wedge of lemon in it, or make lemonade. There are also products like Gatorade, Vitamin Water, or certain juices and juice blends. (If you go for the regular juices, be mindful of the sugar content and calorie count... some of them are ridiculously high.)
You can also snack on water rich fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Most citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, etc.), melons (cantaloupe, honeydew, etc.) are great for this. Plus, they have the added benefit of providing you with some powerful nutrients.
You've heard it before. Have more fiber! Fiber is very important and has several major benefits. Most of us are nowhere near the daily requirement, about 30 to 40 grams per day. That may sound like a lot, but it's pretty easy to do if you increase your intake of complex carbohydrates: grains, cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables.
If your diet isn't able to provide you with enough fiber, there are also ways to supplement it. I've been taking psyllium husk (which is pure fiber,) mixed with water, since the early 1990's (yes, after I started researching weight loss and nutrition,) and it's been a life saver for me. There have been times in the past when I lived on junk food, fast-food, and just generally unhealthy high-fat choices. Had it not been for the unusually high fiber in my diet (compared to the average person,) I would have some serious health problems right now.
If your diet consists of a lot of fatty foods, and you're not able to cut down on them right away, or quickly enough, you should at least increase your fiber intake while you work on lowering your fat intake. It will be one of the best decisions you'll ever make for your health.
Fiber also has the added benefit of absorbing some of the fat and cholesterol molecules from your meal so that they're not all absorbed by your body.
Labels: fibre, sex foods, water