VitaminsTaking vitamins is not just an added benefit; It's mandatory. It's not something that's 'nice to do.' It's a requirement. Your body does not manufacture most vitamins, which is why we consume food to begin with... we need it to survive.
The challenge, for most of us, is that our diets do not provide enough vitamins which are needed by our bodies to function normally. The reason why so many people feel better after taking vitamins regularly is because most people's idea of "normal health" is warped. Most of us have no idea what "normal" is because we have never provided enough nutrition to our bodies to experience normal functions.
Except in this case, what we don't know can and will hurt us.
Vitamins are a vital part of a healthy diet. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA)—the amount most healthy people need each day to remain healthy—has been determined for most vitamins. Vitamins are necessary for growth and vitality. They are found in all natural foods. Vitamins are needed to produce enzymes and hormones. Without Vitamins your body would not be able to control many of your metabolic functions; such as your body energy balance, fat burning ability, digestibility, sexuality, and much more.

Vitamins are organic substances functioning to facilitate an essential biochemical reaction necessary for growth, vitality and the normal functioning of our bodies. We must obtain them from our diet or take them in the form of dietary supplements, that are usually derived from plant and animal products. Vitamins are classified as either fat-soluble (lipid soluble) or water-soluble. Vitamins A, D, E and K are lipid-soluble and accumulate within the fat stores of the body and within the liver. Vitamins are kind of like insurance if there is doubt as to whether or not the person is getting adequate nutrition, so many professionals will recommend them.
Labels: natural sex foods, vitamins