Rich in vitamin C and and is used in the homeopathic treatment for impotence. Add a spear to a sweet Rum drink for a tasty prelude to an evening of passion. Some weird rumour say that pineapples are often used as a contraceptive. The fruit is inserted deep into the vagina of the woman prior to sex. As weird as it sounds, this external application is not the one we are looking for but the nutritional values that it possess.
Pineapples are unusual-looking fruits that have a spiny, rough exterior but a surprisingly sweet and tender center that holds a soft yellow hue. These fruits are exotic and immediately make you think of tropical climates and palm trees. Pineapples are grown on almost any type of soil, but the crop is especially well-adapted to acid soils. When soil pH is between 4.5 and 5.5, soil-borne diseases are reduced. Pineapples are not usually the first food that comes to mind when it comes to getting rid of gout. However, pineapples do have several beneficial properties that can help you when combined with other methods in your gout treatments program.
Pineapples are popular as fresh fruit - the best flavour develops if they are allowed to mature on the plant before harvesting. Much of the pineapple crop is canned as slices and chunks or made into juice. Pineapples are not usually disturbed by animals as the leaves have sharp prongs on them. Pineapples are loaded with bromelain, a source of beneficial digestive enzymes. They break down the foods in the stomach, aiding any natural stomach acid digestion that is taking place.
Pineapples are harvested as nearly ripe as possible and rushed to market as they should be eaten as soon as possible. Pineapples are sold in Australia as rough leaf, smooth leaf or hybrids. Rough leaf varieties have a rough, spiky surface and a sweet juice.
Labels: common sex food stimulants