Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are one of the most commonly available seeds. The sunflower plant belongs to the daisy family, and probably originated in North America. They are squeezed to extract oil for cooking and roasted for human consumption and dried for outdoor bird feeding. Sunflower seeds are incredibly healthy and high energy foods that are enjoyed by everybody all over the world in a wide variety of foods. Amazingly, sunflower seeds have been around forever and were even a favorite food of the Native Americans.
Sunflower seeds are a different take than the typical walnuts. They are simply a great snack, for everyone. They are also an excellent source of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid, which is converted to other biologically active fatty acids that are required for optimum health. These seeds also provide an excellent amino acid profile (the building blocks of proteins).
Sunflower seeds are more commonly eaten as a healthy snack. The seeds may be sold as in-shell seeds or dehulled kernels. Sunflower seeds are high in phytochemicals, such as lignan, phenolic acids, choline, and betaine. Nutrition scientists recommend eating more of these plant chemicals. They contain almost every vitamin (except Vitamin C), magnesium, selenium, potassium, zinc, calcium and phytosterols.
The most prominent one among all the vitamins appear to be B1, as it's the main energy, stamina and endurance provider, not to mention its main function to ensure that your nerves and muscles to work efficiently together in order to produce a great love making session.
Labels: natural sex foods, sex food stimulants, sunflower seeds