The ground seeds of various plants in the brassica family were believed to increase virility. In the case of broccoli rabe its more likely a myth created to get people to eat this bitter vegetable.
Broccoli Rabe is a member of the broccoli member, but with small loose florets intermingled with leaves of the plant, and is available year-round, but cool weather brings out the best in this vegetable, mellowing its harsh edge slightly. Broccoli rabe is available in supermarkets that carry specialty produce, or in an Italian market. Depending on where you shop, you may see it labeled as broccoli raab, rapini, broccoletti, or cima di rapa. When shopping for broccoli rabe, look for thin stalks and pass over any bunches showing a white core at the base of the stem.
Broccoli rabe has a bitter but zesty flavor and cccording to popular belief, broccoli rabe is better cooked than raw as a light steaming brings out its distinctive taste. Broccoli rabe is very popular in Italy, where it is fried, steamed or braised . It is also used in soups and salads. If you happen to grow your own broccoli rabes, try to remember not to pick up wilted or tired looking ones.
Labels: Broccoli Rabe, common sex food stimulants