This food is a great source of protein, vitamins, and pantothenic acid which makes for easier absorption, which in turn provides lots of energy as well as stress relief - a great combination.
Royal jelly is also a supreme source of progesterone and estrogen. If we understand what is in it, we can really get some benefits.
Royal jelly is the only known source of 10-hydroxy-2dekenoic acid (10-HDA, a possible anti-cancer component), which is largely responsible for the antimicrobial properties.
Royal jelly is a creamy product secreted by young nurse worker bees for feeding to the queen, queen larvae, and other young larvae. It is totally synthesized by the bees in the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands and is derived from the proteins and nutrients in the pollen ingested by the secreting bees.
Royal Jelly is one of the world's most complete concentrated natural food sources. It has been proven to be antibacterial in the laboratory. Royal jelly's chemistry has been studied and contains all the essential amino acids, unsaturated fats, natural sugars, minerals, and the B vitamins (B5 and B6). Royal jelly is high in the B vitamin pantothenic acid, recognized for its ability to reduce stress levels. Royal jelly is available in various forms. In its pure state, it is a jelly that must be kept under refrigeration. It also supplies the minerals calcium, copper, iron, phosphorous, potassium, silicon, and sulfur.
Labels: lesser known sex food stimulants, Royal Jelly