Very low in cholesterol and sodium, this food is a good source of dietary fiber, protein, vitamin B6, folate, magnesium and copper, and a very good source of thiamin, phosphorus, zinc, manganese and selenium. (Another powerhouse that you should use often.)
Wheat germ is sold in both toasted and natural forms and is used to add nutrition to a variety of foods. The wheat endosperm, which makes up the majority of the kernel, is full of starch, protein, niacin and iron. Wheat germ is one of the most nutritional products available. In fact, wheat germ contains 23 nutrients, and has more nutrients per ounce than any other vegetable or grain, giving wheat germ the title as one of the 'food stuffs of life'. Its high vitamin and mineral content make it an extremely nutritious food.
Wheat germ is basically one of three parts of every grain or seed. It's called germ because it germinates into a new plant. Wheat germ is the reproductive area or embryo from which the seed germinates to form the sprout that becomes the green wheat grass. The term "germ" comes from the word germinate, and does not refer to "germs" such as bacteria and viruses. Wheat germ is one of the best remedies that can be recommended to help overcome a tendency to premature birth. It is also used in many quality skin care products and believed to improve colon function, nourish the skin, lower cholesterol and boost the immune system.
Wheat germ is a food source, and is part of the breads and cereals food group. Wheat germ is more perishable than other dry cereals and once opened should be stored in the refrigerator to prevent rancidity. It is a byproduct of the production of white four and is rather carby and tends to go rancid quickly. Wheat germ is available in its natural flaked form, as well as in an extracted oil form.
Labels: lesser known sex food stimulants, Wheat Germ