A very popular aphrodisiac with many culinary uses. It has been used as an aphrodisiac since the Greeks and the Romans, who believed aniseed had special powers. Sucking on the seeds is said to increases your desire.
Aniseed is also a common component for combinations with fennel. In the USA, fennel seeds are a frequent ingredient for galactagogue remedies. Aniseed is considered one of the best herbs in medicine for its properties to relieve flatulence and to remove catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tube. Aniseed induces copious perspiration and increases the volume and discharge of urine. Aniseed is a plant that is used for many purposes and can be made into a liquid scent or its leaves can be also used for teas or cooking.
Aniseed is available whole or ground. It is mainly used to cover foul tasting flavors in drugs and used in detergents, perfumes as well as a food flavoring. Besides that, aniseed is one of the very important herbs for the medical uses, which includes the leaves that are used to treat many problems related to the digestion and also for toothache relief.
Aniseed is a culinary herb and it is very useful for breaking up mucus and is thus used for chronic coughs where expectoration is difficult. Aniseed is a member of the parsley family and native to the Eastern Mediterranean. Nowadays it grows in all warm climates. Aniseed is wind and gas repellent, aids in digestion, is diuretic, improves eye-sight, refreshes mouth and removes bad small helps the bowels to expel faecal matters, relieves pain in joints. Boil about 6 grams of aniseed in water and let it cool and bottle it thereafter.
Aniseed is a herbal plant from the Apiaceae family of plants that produces an essential oil used for a wide variety of medicinal and culinary purposes. Used as a cure for sleeplessness, toothache and even scorpion stings in the time of Pliny the Elder, who wrote about the many benefits of this remarkable plant. Aniseed is a small annual herb native to the Mediterranean coastal areas of Greece and Egypt.
Its tiny reddish-brown seed-like fruits are highly scented with that familiar "licorice" scent that makes aniseed such a gift to so many industries. Aniseed is healthy because its essential oils assist digestion. Furthermore aniseed is full of iron and magnesium, which increase your energy and benefit your heart and blood pressure. These nutritions are great factor in providing better stamina and blood circulation in your love workouts.
Aniseed is mostly used in Middle eastern recipes and flat breads. Maybe, it would taste great on our naans. Aniseed is an annual herbaceous plant and it bears vivid green leaves and clusters of white flowers. Aniseed is probably one of the oldest cultivated spices as the early Egyptians were already using it, as did Greeks and Romans, who used it to flavor chicken, pork, vegetables, and some small spicy cakes, served at the end of a copious meal as a digestive.
Labels: Aniseed, lesser known sex food stimulants