Brewer's yeast is used in the making of beer but is also known to be used in supplements. Brewer's yeast is one of the most nutrient-dense foods known. In addition, ingestion of brewers yeast can produce favorable (and possibly cancer-preventing) effects on the intestinal system. It is is one of the foods that are the entire B complex - known and unknown. It is called the miracle food discovery of our life time. Brewer's yeast is another one of those substances that's called a "complete food." While it has a very potent taste and smell, it's packed with lots of 'sexy' nutrients: It contains all the essential amino acids, a great source of protein and B-complex vitamins, as well as Chromium, Zinc, Iron, Phosphorus, and Selenium.
Having the same qualities as the brewer's yeast, as having lots of 'sexy' nutrients, torula yeast is an all-natural source of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It contains taurine which is essential for normal function of ones heart, eyes, central nervous system and brain helth. Torula yeast is also found in baby foods, cereals, imitation bacon, beverages, and many diet foods. Torula yeast is used in the smear for the ripening of brick and limberger cheese. It is also a standard source of protein in larval diets although Brewer's yeast may also be used.
Labels: Brewer's Yeast, lesser known sex food stimulants, Torula Yeast