Kiwifruit is one of the world's most nutritious fruit and it contains very high levels of vitamin C, potassium and chlorphyll. It contains a wealth of nutrients and antioxidants. The high value of vitamin C and potassium, gives oranges and bananas a run for their money. It's a good source of fiber and lutein (a carotenoid thought to benefit eye health). Kiwifruit is now the popular symbol of New Zealand itself.
Besides vitamin C, kiwifruit is also high in antioxidant and a good source of fiber, and vitamin E. It is fat free, sodium free and cholesterol free. Kiwifruit is a great tasting, highly nutritious treat. To eat, cut the fruit in half, then scoop the delicious flesh right out of the skin. Kiwifruit is high in potassium ions, important for maintaining a healthy blood pressure, as well as normal heart function. Kiwifruits' protein-digesting enzymes (proteases) enable it to have a cooling effect on heartburn.
Kiwifruit is available all year. Choose firm, plump, light brown kiwi that gives slightly to the touch. Kiwifruit is among the small number of foods that contain measurable amounts of oxalates. Oxalates are a salt or ester of oxalic acid that is a naturally occurring substance in plants, animals and humans.
This high quantity of vitamin C or ascorbic acid increases intercourse frequency and improves mood, based on a randomized controlled clinical trial. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, modulates catecholaminergic activity, decreases stress reactivity, approach anxiety and prolactin release, improves vascular function, and increases oxytocin release. These processes are relevant to sexual behavior and mood.
Source: http://moodfoods.com/ascorbicacid.htmlFurther Reading on Vitamin C:-http://www.archive.org/details/Sex-and-Vitamin-CLabels: common sex food stimulants, kiwifruit