This food is one of the fastest to provide your body with sexual energy because it is very easily digested, absorbed and utilized by the body. This is also why atheletes are a fan of honey, right before intense physical activity. Combine a few spoonfuls of honey with a glass of milk, and a handful of nuts, and you’ll give yourself lots of explosive power. Milk and honey are often served together for a better healthier looking skin. I'm sure a smooth skin is essential when there's a lot of physical contact involved. Many medicines in Egyptian times were based on honey including cures for sterility and impotence.
It contains about 70% to 80% sugar; the rest is water, minerals and traces of protein, acids, and other substances. To be precise, honey has traces of 18 amino acids and several antioxidants (which are helpful in preventing cancer and heart disease), including three flavonoids.
The importance of honey as a food stuff, savory snack and a medicine is primarily based on its content of easily absorbable carbohydrates, aromatic substances which stimulate the appetite, mood and mineral components. Honey also has the added benefit of acting as a lubricant, preventing bandages from sticking, and it was widely used in medical treatment through the First World War. Speaking of which, honey is also beneficial in terms of "external" applications while you're savoring a romantic time with your partner. The extra added energy it provides will surely come in handy.
Honey is one of nature’s wonderful, miracle foods and can, for some people, no doubt help with coughs and colds. Honey is well known with a good source of glucose and fructose. It is a saturated solution of sugar made by bees that collect nectar which is a liquid secretion from flowers. The honeybees take this nectar back to their hives where they add enzymes to it and place it in wax cells called honeycombs. Honey is a wholesome product produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. Honey is predominantly carbohydrate and does not contain any fat.
Further reading:http://www.healthbolt.net/2007/05/17/9-reasons-honey-is-truly-a-miracle-food/Labels: honey, natural sex foods, sex food stimulants