BananasBananas are long, yellow fruits that grow in bunches on some sort of plant or other. They are picked from the plant green and shipped refrigerated to wholesalers. Wholesalers ripen the fruit for about four days before shipping to the consumer. Bananas are classified either as dessert bananas (meaning they are yellow and fully ripe when eaten) or as green cooking bananas. Almost all export bananas are of the dessert types; however, only about 10-15% of all production is for export, with the United States and European Union being the dominant buyers.
Bananas are low in sodium and contain small quantities of the indigestible fibers cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, with moderate amounts of pectin, the food fiber that prevents the absorption of fats and may help lower blood cholesterol levels. They are also very appropriate for those who want to eliminate weight. On the other hand, the elimination of water and sodium of the body is essential for the treatment of certain illnesses, as hypertension, gout, rheumatic illnesses, etc. Because of this trait, foods containing pectin should not be eaten at the same time as the consumption of essential fatty acids, which the body requires. Banana-based diets, however, are deficient in vitamin A and iron, as well as in vitamin E.
Bananas are widely known for being high in potassium, which they are, essential for healthy hair and skin and also contributes to lower blood pressure. But potassium is actually found in many foods: Avocados, oranges, potatoes, dried beans, tomatoes, wheat bran, dairy products, and eggs are all good sources. Bananas are also high in antioxidants and are a great source of energy.
Besides the common nutritional properties bananas have, they contain an important enzyme, called bromelain which is believed to increase and boost male libido. The existance of B vitamins such as riboflavin and potassium add to the overall body's total energy levels as well as for a healthy sex hormone production. The high level of potassium is widely known to encourage the release of serotonin, which is the chemical that makes us feel good. Not to forget the popular association of bananas to the similarity of the male genitalia.
Bananas are also very nice sliced, sprinkled lightly with sugar, and before it had quite dissolved, covered with orange juice. Sliced bananas, lightly sprinkled with sugar, alternating in layers with sections of oranges, make a most delicious dessert. Bananas are an exceptionally rich source of fructooligosaccharide, a compound that nourishes probiotic (friendly) bacteria in the colon. These beneficial bacteria produce enzymes that increase our digestive ability and protect us from unhealthy bacteria infections.
Labels: bananas, natural sex foods