Warning: Informational adult oriented site. This site however, do not display any explicit visuals / images excessively, but only consists of educational based information on how certain foods will improve your sex life.
BananasBananas are long, yellow fruits that grow in bunches on some sort of plant or other. They are picked from the plant green and shipped refrigerated to wholesalers. Wholesalers ripen the fruit for about four days before shipping to the consumer. Bananas are classified either as dessert bananas (meaning they are yellow and fully ripe when eaten) or as green cooking bananas. Almost all export bananas are of the dessert types; however, only about 10-15% of all production is for export, with the United States and European Union being the dominant buyers. Bananas are low in sodium and contain small quantities of the indigestible fibers cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, with moderate amounts of pectin, the food fiber that prevents the absorption of fats and may help lower blood cholesterol levels. They are also very appropriate for those who want to eliminate weight. On the other hand, the elimination of water and sodium of the body is essential for the treatment of certain illnesses, as hypertension, gout, rheumatic illnesses, etc. Because of this trait, foods containing pectin should not be eaten at the same time as the consumption of essential fatty acids, which the body requires. Banana-based diets, however, are deficient in vitamin A and iron, as well as in vitamin E. Bananas are widely known for being high in potassium, which they are, essential for healthy hair and skin and also contributes to lower blood pressure. But potassium is actually found in many foods: Avocados, oranges, potatoes, dried beans, tomatoes, wheat bran, dairy products, and eggs are all good sources. Bananas are also high in antioxidants and are a great source of energy. Besides the common nutritional properties bananas have, they contain an important enzyme, called bromelain which is believed to increase and boost male libido. The existance of B vitamins such as riboflavin and potassium add to the overall body's total energy levels as well as for a healthy sex hormone production. The high level of potassium is widely known to encourage the release of serotonin, which is the chemical that makes us feel good. Not to forget the popular association of bananas to the similarity of the male genitalia. Bananas are also very nice sliced, sprinkled lightly with sugar, and before it had quite dissolved, covered with orange juice. Sliced bananas, lightly sprinkled with sugar, alternating in layers with sections of oranges, make a most delicious dessert. Bananas are an exceptionally rich source of fructooligosaccharide, a compound that nourishes probiotic (friendly) bacteria in the colon. These beneficial bacteria produce enzymes that increase our digestive ability and protect us from unhealthy bacteria infections. Labels: bananas, natural sex foods
posted by John, 9:01 AM
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Whole Grains Whole grains are an important part of a healthy diet. Better yet, whole grains may help prevent type 2 diabetes. Whole grains are the unrefined products of various cereal plants including wheat, oats, rye, corn, rice, millet, sorghum and barley. They contain the grain's starchy endosperm, the bran, and the germ. Whole grains are better sources of fiber and other important nutrients, such as selenium, potassium and magnesium. So whenever you can, choose whole grains over refined grains. Whole grains are better choices because they provide more nutrients than processed grains. But if eating too many calories is the problem, then foods with fewer calories are better choices. Whole grains are digested slowly, which means you don’t get large spikes in glucose and insulin levels. Magnesium, fiber and vitamin E, which are all readily available in the whole grain diet, are needed for insulin metabolism. Whole grains are an important source of fiber. Many packaged foods have fiber information on the front of the package. Whole grains help keep blood sugar levels stable, which, in turn, calms us. Grains that are especially beneficial for libido include barley, buckwheat, corn, millet, oats, rice (no wonder it's thrown at weddings), and wild rice. Whole grains are rich in potentially beneficial compounds, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals, such as lignans, phytosterols and fiber . Most of these compounds are located in the bran or the germ of the grain, both of which are lost during the refining process, leaving only the starchy endosperm. Whole grains are complex carbohydrates that help lower the risk of developing some life threatening, nutrition-related diseases. They naturally provide the body with essential nutrients that are often lacking in processed carbohydrate foods. Whole grains are an excellent source of dietary fiber, resistant starch and oligosaccharides, which help to lower serum cholesterol. Whole grains are sources of magnesium and selenium. Magnesium is a mineral used in building bones and releasing energy from muscles. Whole grains are very versatile and can be incorporated into all meals, snacks, appetizers, entrees, salads, soups and even desserts. Whole grains are also receiving utmost attention among many human nutritionists all over the world, especially in its ability to reverse many lifestyle diseases like hypertension, diabetes and heart diseases. Not only that, it has been said to be the favorite diet for those who want to control their weight and avoid obesity and its associated problems. Labels: natural sex foods, sex food stimulants, whole grains
posted by John, 8:19 AM
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TomatoesTomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, fibre, and are cholesterol free. An average size tomato (148 gram, or 5 oz) boasts only 35 calories. Tomatoes are a good source of potassium, niacin, vitamin B6, and folate. Niacin has been used for years to lower cholesterol. Tomatoes are also low in fat and sodium. They are tender perennials that are grown as annuals. They have weak stems and lobed and toothed leaves that have a distinctive odor. Tomatoes are loaded with countless health properties that aid in reducing and preventing some of the most life threatening diseases. They are commonly eaten to help prevent cancers and illnesses such as, stomach cancers, prostate cancer, endometrial cancer, lung cancer and even skin cancer. Tomatoes carry really high amounts of betacarotene and lycopene that help fight off cancer causing cells, which are important antioxidants to get into your body. But the main nutrition of these orange vegetables is that tomatoes also contain a compound called lycopene, which has been shown to reduce prostate cancer in men who eat at least 10 servings a week of tomatoes and tomato-based foods. Tomatoes are one of the richest sources of lycopene, the potent age-defying antioxidant that gives fruit and vegetables their red colour. Lycopene has well-documented disease-fighting properties and is excellent at boosting the immune system. Puritans of 16th and 17th century England, named tomatoes as "love apples", as they have a reputation as a sexual stimulant. Tomatoes are the most popular crop for backyard gardens about 90 percent of vegetable gardeners grow them. Even folks who don't have vegetable gardens grow tomatoes. Tomatoes are not the first vegetables people have used to make vaccines. Charles Arntzen of Arizona State University in Tempe has produced potatoes that stimulate protective antibodies against HBV when eaten raw, although the recipients had previously been vaccinated against the virus, potentially masking the effects. Labels: sex foods, tomatoes
posted by John, 7:46 AM
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Sunflower Seeds Sunflower seeds are one of the most commonly available seeds. The sunflower plant belongs to the daisy family, and probably originated in North America. They are squeezed to extract oil for cooking and roasted for human consumption and dried for outdoor bird feeding. Sunflower seeds are incredibly healthy and high energy foods that are enjoyed by everybody all over the world in a wide variety of foods. Amazingly, sunflower seeds have been around forever and were even a favorite food of the Native Americans. Sunflower seeds are a different take than the typical walnuts. They are simply a great snack, for everyone. They are also an excellent source of the essential fatty acid linoleic acid, which is converted to other biologically active fatty acids that are required for optimum health. These seeds also provide an excellent amino acid profile (the building blocks of proteins). Sunflower seeds are more commonly eaten as a healthy snack. The seeds may be sold as in-shell seeds or dehulled kernels. Sunflower seeds are high in phytochemicals, such as lignan, phenolic acids, choline, and betaine. Nutrition scientists recommend eating more of these plant chemicals. They contain almost every vitamin (except Vitamin C), magnesium, selenium, potassium, zinc, calcium and phytosterols. The most prominent one among all the vitamins appear to be B1, as it's the main energy, stamina and endurance provider, not to mention its main function to ensure that your nerves and muscles to work efficiently together in order to produce a great love making session. Labels: natural sex foods, sex food stimulants, sunflower seeds
posted by John, 7:32 AM
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AlmondsIn the past few years, almond plantings have increased twofold and that's set to double again in the years to come. Almonds are also beneficial in the treatment of pimples or acne . In this condition, the endocarp, which is the hard cover of the seed, should be ground with water and applied. Almonds are not only enjoyed whole, but can be ground and used as flour for many dishes! Almonds have just one gram of sugar per serving. Almonds are yummy on their own as a snack, but they're also great tossed into salads, stirfries, or pasta dishes. Chop them up and add them to baked goods, sprinkle them over oatmeal, or add them to brown rice and other cooked grains. Almonds are brimming with nutrients that can help you lose weight. When overweight Americans used about 2/3 cup of almonds per day as part of a weight loss diet, they increased weight loss by 62% more than when following a standard weight loss diet and had a 50% greater reduction in waist circumference. Surprisingly enough, almonds are also often recommended as a building food for those who are underweight. Almonds are a nutritional powerhouse, packed with calcium, fiber, folic acid, potassium, riboflavin and vitamin E. Almonds are also quite nutritrous despire being calorie dense. Almonds are packed with nutrients including magnesium and protein, and are an excellent source of desirable monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These fats are the main source of essential fatty acids which are vital in providing the source for a man's healthy constant production of hormones. Some might even suggest that the aroma / smell of almonds is seductive enough to arouse passion in women. Almonds are also employed in savory dishes such as couscous, rice, stuffings, chicken, and certain fish such as the classic trout almandine. And of course there’s Amaretto, the delicious almond flavored liqueur. Almonds are a fruit which belong to the Prunus family which includes other fruit such as plum, cherry and peach. There are two types - sweet almonds (prunus amygdalus dulcis) which are are the ones used for culinary purposes and bitter almonds (prunus amygdalus amara) which, because they have poisonous properties, are mainly processed and used in the making of oils or flavourings such as almond essence. Almond oil has homeopathic and cosmetic applications. Almonds are used to make almond paste and marzipan. Almond paste is a combination of equal parts ground blanched almonds and sugar, mixed with glucose, corn syrup or egg whites. Almonds are indeed "good for you," but as with all things, please apply in moderation. Almonds probably lower the cholesterol, particularly the "bad" cholesterol. As a protein, almonds are rich in arginine and low in lysine. Research indicates that diets rich in arginine, low in lysine are thought to reduce the risk of coronary disease. Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide that is known to inhibit platelet adhesion. Labels: almonds, natural sex foods
posted by John, 7:25 AM
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Avocados They are ripe and ready to eat if they give slightly when gently squeezed. Firm avocados can be left out at room temperature in the fruit bowl. Avocados are thought to have originated in Mexico, though their exact genesis is unknown. Like corn, figs, sugar cane and other ancient crops, the avocado is a cultigen: a species domesticated so long ago (around 7,000 years in the case of avocados) and that has undergone such dramatic changes that its wild ancestor cannot be determined. Avocados are an excellent source of potassium, vitamin E, B vitamins, fiber, and monounsaturated fatty acids. You don't have to go bananas for potassium in fact, just one avocado has the same amount of potassium as two or three bananas (and many more calories!) An avocado is approximately 20% fat content, which also makes it a misunderstood fruit! The most important element of Avocados is in fact the high level of vitamin B6, which reduces prolactin, a hormone that kills sex drive in women. If you're concerned about low libido, as well as high prolactin levels, avocado is all for you. The abundant vitamin B6 in it also increases male hormone production and potassium the other hand, helps regulate a woman's thyroid gland, two elements that help increase libido in both men and women. The Aztecs called the avocado tree "Ahuacuatl" which simply means the tree of testicles.
Avocados are a delicious source of multiple nutrients. Slice one up and put it on your salad. Avocados are high in essential fatty acids (healthy monounsaturated fat) that are important to the diet because the body cannot produce them, and now researchers say they might also help your body fight off cancer.  They are present in every healthy cell in the body and are critical for the normal growth and functioning of the cells, muscles, nerves, and organs. Avocados are used predominantly as a fresh fruit. However avocados also have a wide variety of uses as a manufactured product, such as sushi and as the base ingredient for the much loved food product, guacamole. Avocados are a surprisingly complete food, with fourteen minerals to stimulate growth, including iron and copper for your blood. The sodium and potassium in avocados keeps your body chemically balanced, and their low sugar content and absence of starch make them an ideal fruit for diabetics or hypoglycemics (choose small slices throughout the day to keep your sugar balanced). Avocados are not only a delicious fruit, they are also safe to eat even for the most diet conscious. Avocados are very low in sugar and are great in salsa and guacamole. They're also cholesterol and sodium free. Avocados are also rich in the anti-oxidents, vitamin E and glutathione that prevent damage from free radicals and have the ability to stimulate collagen rebuilding. So, it's not surprising that avocados are being used to develop various skin and hair care products. Avocados are great with a sprinkle of lemon or lime juice and salt. Mashed avocados, of course, the primary ingredient in guacamole, but the fruit is also delicious sliced and served with slices of ripe red tomato, or cut into slivers and added to tossed green salads. Avocados are one of the most nutrient-dense foods on earth that can keep you healthy. The high lutein content in the fruit makes them exceptional. Labels: avocado, increase libido, natural sex foods, sex food stimulants
posted by John, 3:54 AM
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Celery Celery is certainly not the easiest of plants to grow to perfection, but if you remember that it's a hungry and thirsty crop, it will reward you well. Celery is rich in phosphorus, silicon, iron, and calcium. As part of a balanced diet, celery can help improve alkalinity which helps ward off infectious tendencies. Celery is consumed as raw or cooked vegetable. Celery is easily found in most grocery stores. It has a relatively long shelf life and can add flavor to a variety of dishes that kids enjoy. Celery is not a crop of the farm stands. At the farmer's markets, only a few vendors carry it. It would be weird to think that a green vegetable such as this would contribute to some interesting sexual stimulation. Weirdly enough, it does play a big role in providing certain stimulation. Celery contains androstenone and androsteno, two odorless hormone / pheromones released through male perspiration which turns women on. The Romans dedicated celery to Pluto their 'god of sex'.
"When you chew a stalk of celery, you release androstenone and androstenol odor molecules into your mouth. They then travel up the back of your throat to your nose," says Alan Hirsch, MD, author of Scentsational Sex. "Once there, the pheromones boost your arousal, turning you on and causing your body to send off scents and signals that make you more desirable to women." - Source: http://www.webmd.com/content/Article/57/66177.htm Celery is available year-round. Choose firm bunches that are tightly formed; the leaves should be green and crisp. Celery is a biennial herbaceous plant that is most commonly found in ditches and salty marshes. They are native to the coasts of Northern and Western Europe and are characterized by the creamy white flowers that occur densely. Celery is often underestimated because its contents are 95% water, but the amount of vitamin C, A, B-complex, carotenes and folic acids should not be underestimated. This food is a good source of Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate, Potassium and Manganese. Celery is also touted as the plant to eat to lower your blood pressure, loaded as it is with a compound called phthalide. Celery is used for its strong stimulating and beneficial effect on a weak sexual system , but as is usual with plant therapies the normally active person does not have to fear an uncontrollable upsurge. Celery is still valuable in diets, where it provides low-calorie fiber bulk. Bergapten in the seeds can increase photosensitivity, so the use of essential oil externally in bright sunshine should be avoided. Other interesting read you might be interested in:- Nothing like a nice crisp stick of celery to reinvigorate your sex-life.Labels: celery, natural sex foods
posted by John, 3:47 AM
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CarbohydratesCarbohydrates have been given a bad rep' lately, especially with the recent "high protein, low carb" fads and promotional campaigns. It's important to note that there are two kinds of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Simple carbs come from processed foods and foods high in sugar (donuts, pastries, or any other products made from white flour and processed sugar.) Complex carbs come from natural sources (whole grains, vegetables, most fruits) or foods that have gone through minimal processing (wheat bread and other whole wheat products, brown rice, etc.) The fact is, your body needs carbohydrates for energy. Unfortunately, most of us fill it up with the bad carbs, which is inferior fuel. And, the results are pretty obvious. The less processed the carbs are, the better they are for you. Brown is much better than white. Brown/unprocessed alternatives also usually have high fiber content - an added benefit. If most of your carbs are coming from fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and cereals, and nuts, you're actually doing your body a huge favor. All of those foods have the added benefit of providing your body with nutrients that it needs to function optimally. If most of your carbs are coming from processed foods (white flour products, pastries and other high-sugars foods, sodas, certain juices, etc.) they will often be turned into fat very easily, especially if they're eaten in excess. They will also fill you up (as far as "hunger" is concerned) without providing any of the nutrients that your body needs. This is very similar to filling your vehicle up with cheap, inferior gasoline... obviously the performance will suffer, and the engine will be damaged over time. If you really feel like having a donut or pastry today, have a little, and then make up for it by eating more nutrient-rich foods for the rest of the day. Often times, we eat certain foods out of habit, not because our body needs it. We just have to retrain ourselves to make better choices, without sacrificing much flavor or taste. (Yes, it's possible to do, with a little bit of training.) ProteinEvery living body cell contains protein; and all body fluids, except urine and bile, contain protein. Protein is the main component of our organs, muscles, and the glands of the immune system. It is also essential for proper hormone function and immune system health. Protein is also vital to your body. Make it a point to have some protein with every meal, especially breakfast. It's easy to do, and you'll find out how in another section. The best sources are egg whites, soymilk or low fat milk, fish, chicken or any other meat really. Go for the leaner cuts as much as possible. Protein is pass to determining carbohydrate cravings. A RDA of protein for women is 60 grams a day. Protein is essential for most bodily functions and important for maintaining muscle mass. It will help to manage your weight by maintaining optimum protein intake to help avoid hunger. Protein is made up of small building blocks called amino acids. When your body takes in protein it breaks it down to these amino acids, which then go through your blood to all parts of your body. FatBelieve it or not, your body does require fat as well. But, very little is needed. And... unlike protein and healthy carbs, we don't have to go looking for fat. In fact, fat seems to find us most of the time. If you're eating healthy, even if you're a vegetarian, you're probably getting enough fat already.  The reality is that most of us need to cut saturated fats (from animal sources) from our diets dramatically. (Obesity is the second leading cause of cancer! Tobacco is the first.) What we should focus on are certain fatty acids that many of us don't get any (or enough) of. Two great sources are fish and flaxseeds. You can also take fish oil capsules as an alternative. As you read through this report, you will notice that some of the foods (like fish, nuts, seeds, etc.) are mentioned more than once - it's because they offer numerous health benefits and are therefore discussed in multiple sections. This is actually great because it allows us to eat a handful of foods and get almost every nutrient that our body needs. If I were to list 100 different foods for you to consume regularly, it would be very difficult to maintain a diet that provides all of those foods. The above section on nutrition is just the basics that you should be doing. We will build on what we discussed above, in later chapters. Labels: carbohydrates, fat, natural sex foods, protein
posted by John, 3:30 AM
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VitaminsTaking vitamins is not just an added benefit; It's mandatory. It's not something that's 'nice to do.' It's a requirement. Your body does not manufacture most vitamins, which is why we consume food to begin with... we need it to survive. The challenge, for most of us, is that our diets do not provide enough vitamins which are needed by our bodies to function normally. The reason why so many people feel better after taking vitamins regularly is because most people's idea of "normal health" is warped. Most of us have no idea what "normal" is because we have never provided enough nutrition to our bodies to experience normal functions. Except in this case, what we don't know can and will hurt us. Vitamins are a vital part of a healthy diet. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA)—the amount most healthy people need each day to remain healthy—has been determined for most vitamins. Vitamins are necessary for growth and vitality. They are found in all natural foods. Vitamins are needed to produce enzymes and hormones. Without Vitamins your body would not be able to control many of your metabolic functions; such as your body energy balance, fat burning ability, digestibility, sexuality, and much more.  Vitamins are organic substances functioning to facilitate an essential biochemical reaction necessary for growth, vitality and the normal functioning of our bodies. We must obtain them from our diet or take them in the form of dietary supplements, that are usually derived from plant and animal products. Vitamins are classified as either fat-soluble (lipid soluble) or water-soluble. Vitamins A, D, E and K are lipid-soluble and accumulate within the fat stores of the body and within the liver. Vitamins are kind of like insurance if there is doubt as to whether or not the person is getting adequate nutrition, so many professionals will recommend them. Labels: natural sex foods, vitamins
posted by John, 3:01 AM
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WaterWater is just an amazing substance. One of the easiest and quickest way to look and feel healthier - and younger - while extending your life and becoming more energetic, is to start drinking more water and/or consume more water-rich foods (fruits and vegetables that have a high water content.) The human body is over 70 percent water anyway. Most of the vital processes of our body require water. It is important to keep it that way. If you reach for water or juice only when you're thirsty, it's usually too late. Keep yourself hydrated on a regular basis. And, increase your fluid intake on hot days, or when you're more active than normal. Make it a habit to start your day by filling up a tall glass (or bottle) of water. Keep it with you and sip on it every 30 minutes or so. Fill up when you're done. (You don't want to feel bloated, just as long as you're drinking enough. Most of us aren't.) If water is not the easiest thing for you to drink by itself, there are lots of alternatives. Throw a wedge of lemon in it, or make lemonade. There are also products like Gatorade, Vitamin Water, or certain juices and juice blends. (If you go for the regular juices, be mindful of the sugar content and calorie count... some of them are ridiculously high.) You can also snack on water rich fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Most citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, etc.), melons (cantaloupe, honeydew, etc.) are great for this. Plus, they have the added benefit of providing you with some powerful nutrients. Fibre You've heard it before. Have more fiber! Fiber is very important and has several major benefits. Most of us are nowhere near the daily requirement, about 30 to 40 grams per day. That may sound like a lot, but it's pretty easy to do if you increase your intake of complex carbohydrates: grains, cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables. If your diet isn't able to provide you with enough fiber, there are also ways to supplement it. I've been taking psyllium husk (which is pure fiber,) mixed with water, since the early 1990's (yes, after I started researching weight loss and nutrition,) and it's been a life saver for me. There have been times in the past when I lived on junk food, fast-food, and just generally unhealthy high-fat choices. Had it not been for the unusually high fiber in my diet (compared to the average person,) I would have some serious health problems right now. If your diet consists of a lot of fatty foods, and you're not able to cut down on them right away, or quickly enough, you should at least increase your fiber intake while you work on lowering your fat intake. It will be one of the best decisions you'll ever make for your health. Fiber also has the added benefit of absorbing some of the fat and cholesterol molecules from your meal so that they're not all absorbed by your body. Labels: fibre, sex foods, water
posted by John, 2:04 AM
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Our Pick: Highly Recommended!
In five minutes you can have any of these proven secrets working for you even if you're shy or embarrassed and even if you've tried everything but failed miserably…
In less than an hour you could be using any of these 500 tips to re-ignite the passion in your love life… starting immediately!
Our Pick #2 |
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If You Don't Know How To Give A Woman At Least 3 Orgasms In One Lovemaking Session, She Is Going To Leave You For Another Man!
If You Can Spare Just A Few Minutes, I Will Reveal To You Dramatic Sex Secrets Most Men Would Commit Cold-Blooded Murder To Know That Dramatically Improves Your Sex Life, Your Self Esteem, And Your Over-All Happiness... (And It Doesn't Matter How Big Your Penis Is Or How Fast You Ejaculate!)