Warning: Informational adult oriented site. This site however, do not display any explicit visuals / images excessively, but only consists of educational based information on how certain foods will improve your sex life.
Cardamom is a nicely aromatic spice. In many cultures it is viewed as an intensely powerful aphrodisiac and also beneficial in treating impotence (mix with maca for some ‘interesting results’). It is high in cineole, which can increase blood flow in certain important areas!
Cardamom is also one of the famous spices in the world, obtained from the seeds of a perennial plant (Elettaria cardamomum),more expensive than average spices and originates from the coastal area of India. In India, it is used for flavoring curries, puddings and many other sweet dishes. It is also propagated vegetatively through division of its rhizomes or also of its seeds.
Cardamom is a perennial bush 2.4 m, with smooth green cane-like stems and large dark green leaf blades sheathed at the base. The flower is yellowish with a purple lip, succeeded by the fruit and dark brown seeds. Cardamom is also particularly popular in Arab countries for flavoring coffee, and perhaps half the world's production is thus used. It is a flavouring for Arab and Turkish coffee which is served with an elaborate ritual. Cardamom and related spices were used by the Romans, and it remains popular in baked products in Scandinavian and Baltic countries.
Being a breath freshener, cardamom is also chewed habitually (like nuts) where freely available, as in the East Indies, and in the Indian masticory, betel pan. A few seeds chewed after the intake of food, help in diminishing bad breath, hence making your special session with your love one a much better one. Cardamom is slightly sharp, like citrus, and also warm and round, like vanilla. And, like citrus and vanilla, it is a good mixer.
A glass or two of wine can greatly enhance a romantic interlude. Wine relaxes and helps to stimulate our senses. Drinking wine can be an erotic experience. Let your eyes feast on the color of the liquid. Caress the glass, savor the taste on your lips. Always remember the rule that everything good taken excessively can only produce the opposite desired effects, so basically don't drink till you drop. A moderate amount of wine has been said to "arouse" but much more than that amount with have the reverse affect.
Wine is fermented grape juice, but with a few extra twists. Any fruit containing sugar will turn to booze if you leave it to ferment. Wine is consumed by people all over the world because of its great taste and wine is classified according to its taste. Wine is a mild natural tranquilizer, serving to reduce anxiety and tension. As part of a normal diet, wine provides the body with energy, with substances that aid digestion, and with small amounts of minerals and vitamins. Wine is a perfect gift, because always ready, consumable, suit the age and on budget present.
Wine is also divided into three main types: still or natural, fortified, and sparkling. Wines are red, white, or rose (depending on the grape used and the amount of time the skins have been left to ferment in the juice). Have a glass of champagne or wine. Its been proven that wine prevents artery clogging, allowing for a better blood flow to the sexual organs. Champagne has been noted for enhancing romantic moods and is also called the drink of love. Wine heightens sexual desire in ways that other forms of alcohol cannot, according to Dr. Geoff Kalish, who added that Pinot noir grapes have the greatest abundance of pheromones (aromatic substances markedly influencing human sexual behavior) of all popular wine grape varietals tested. This report added documentation to an earlier French government research report that nodded to red wine consumption as a primary source of human longevity.
Geoff Kalish, MD debunked the theory that "drink heightens the desire but decreases performance". He noted that his group studies showed that moderate amounts of wine increase sexual performance and the pleasure gained from same, most notably in women. The U.K. project documented that while stronger forms of alcoholic beverages wash the mineral Zinc out of the body, red wine in particular promotes its retention and Zinc deficiency has been shown to result in poor sexual performance. This research also reported that sparkling wine made from Pinot noir grapes has an advantage over still wines from the same varietal, because the bubbles carry the sex stimulant up the nostrils quite rapidly.
The scent and flavor of vanilla is believed to increase lust and libido. According to the Australian Orchid Society, "Old Totonac lore has it that Xanat, the young daughter of the Mexican fertility goddess, loved a Totonac youth. Unable to marry him due to her divine nature, she transformed herself into a plant that would provide pleasure and happiness." Fill tall Champagne glasses to the rim and add a vanilla bean for a heady, bubbly treat.
Vanilla is smooth, clean and can act as an instant mood-lifter. The scent of vanilla alone is often enough to stimulate both male and female libido. When consumed, vanilla, like chocolate, aids the central nervous system. So buy tonnes of vanilla you head for a romantic weekend.
Vanilla is the only fruit-bearing orchid out of the hundreds of orchid species. Native to Central and South America, vanilla was treasured as both a foodstuff and as currency. Vanilla is a high added-value product for several tropical countries, notably Madagascar, the world's leading producer. However, the processing method used is still highly empirical, resulting in very inconsistent aroma quality. Vanilla is good with just about any type of savory dish. Fish, fowl, pork, beef, pastas, sauces, all can be kicked up with vanilla.
The Greeks and the Romans considered the rare Truffle to be an aphrodisiac. The musky scent is said to stimulate and sensitize the skin to touch. Truffles are believed to contain a chemical that is similar to the sex hormones of humans and pigs! The fact that truffles are rare and expensive adds to their mysterious and romantic reputation.
Truffles are a fungus like mushrooms although they look nothing like mushrooms and bear a closer resemblance to potatoes. Unlike mushrooms, truffles grow under ground often as deep as five or six inches. Truffles are mushrooms that grow underground and they grow in mutuality with certain trees, especially oaks. Truffles are quite simple to make, and the process will be more fun if you have a friend to help you. Time is the biggest element in this recipe. Truffles are located by pigs and dogs trained to sniff out and dig for the fungus, which is a food item considered to be a delicacy throughout the world. Due to the difficulty in locating and harvesting truffles as well as the continued high demand, they are very expensive to buy.
Rich in vitamin C and and is used in the homeopathic treatment for impotence. Add a spear to a sweet Rum drink for a tasty prelude to an evening of passion. Some weird rumour say that pineapples are often used as a contraceptive. The fruit is inserted deep into the vagina of the woman prior to sex. As weird as it sounds, this external application is not the one we are looking for but the nutritional values that it possess.
Pineapples are unusual-looking fruits that have a spiny, rough exterior but a surprisingly sweet and tender center that holds a soft yellow hue. These fruits are exotic and immediately make you think of tropical climates and palm trees. Pineapples are grown on almost any type of soil, but the crop is especially well-adapted to acid soils. When soil pH is between 4.5 and 5.5, soil-borne diseases are reduced. Pineapples are not usually the first food that comes to mind when it comes to getting rid of gout. However, pineapples do have several beneficial properties that can help you when combined with other methods in your gout treatments program.
Pineapples are popular as fresh fruit - the best flavour develops if they are allowed to mature on the plant before harvesting. Much of the pineapple crop is canned as slices and chunks or made into juice. Pineapples are not usually disturbed by animals as the leaves have sharp prongs on them. Pineapples are loaded with bromelain, a source of beneficial digestive enzymes. They break down the foods in the stomach, aiding any natural stomach acid digestion that is taking place.
Pineapples are harvested as nearly ripe as possible and rushed to market as they should be eaten as soon as possible. Pineapples are sold in Australia as rough leaf, smooth leaf or hybrids. Rough leaf varieties have a rough, spiky surface and a sweet juice.
Zinc is a key mineral necessary to maintain male potency and pine nuts are rich in zinc. Pine nuts have been used to stimulate the libido as far back as Medieval times. Serve pine nut cookies with a dark espresso for a stimulating dessert.
Pine nuts are also known as Pignoli, pine kernels, or pi. They are the 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) ivory-colored seeds inside the pine cones of pine trees. Pine nuts are loaded with magnesium and potassium. Together, these minerals lower blood pressure and improve circulation and blood flow. In the intimate world, you know what a body with a good circulation will do for you. Pine nuts are harvested in natural stands and plantations in many regions of the world.
Pine nuts are used as an ingredient in a variety of Tuscan recipes. They form a part of innumerable salads, Tuscan biscotti and cookies, cakes, pastas, meat dishes, chicken dishes, vegetable dishes, fish, game etc. Pine nuts are of exceptional nutritional value. The edible nuts of pions and other pines compare quite favourably with pecans, peanuts and walnuts in protein, fat and carbohydrate content. Pine nuts are delicious with a mild, nutty flavor and contain certain fatty acids that can help suppress hunger or an appetite suppressant. This is attributed to a hormone found in the nuts called cholecystokinin (CCK). One ounce of pine nuts has 190 calories, 19 g of fat and only 4 g of carbohydrates. Pine nuts are also very high in thiamine, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, and dietary fiber.
Nutmeg was highly prized by Chinese women as an aphrodisiac. In quantity nutmeg can produce a hallucinogenic effect. A light sprinkling of the spice in a warm pumpkin soup can help spice up your evening.
Nutmeg is the 'nut', while mace is the surrounding lacy 'aril'. Nutmeg is insect pollinated, but there is lack of agreement as to what insects are responsible. Flack and Cruikshank (1969) stated that "natural pollination is carried out by a moth". Ridley (1912) stated that he had seen only small bees and small beetles visit the flowers. Nutmeg is one of the most popular holiday spices, and a part of nearly every cuisine. I enjoy nutmeg as a delicious flavor accent in vegetables, cookies, beverages and desserts. Nutmeg is also known to ease symptoms of arthritis, muscle aches, neuralgia, poor circulation, rheumatism, aid digestion, relieve nausea and quench the urge to toss your cookies.
The nutmeg fruit is similar in appearance to an apricot and is commonly used for seasoning foods. It helps prevent gas and fermentation in the intestinal tract. Nutmeg is an optional ingredient in a famous Caribbean spice paste, Jamaican jerk. Nutmeg has a warm, spicy aroma and flavour and can be used in sweet and savoury cooking.
Nutmeg is one flavor and mace is the other, made from grinding the lacy outer covering surrounding the nutmeg. Quite interestingly, the Dutch East Indies Company controlled nutmeg production for hundreds of years and coveted this spice so much that even the location of the Spice Islands was kept a secret. Nutmeg is extremely toxic when injected intravenously and can also cause liver damage if used regularly in large quantities. Nutmeg is also used in the manufacture of inhalents and linaments used to relieve the congestion associated with influenza and colds.
Believed to stimulate the sexual glands and increase desire. Prepare a tenderloin roast (filet mignon) for two with a mustard and peppercorn sauce. Mustard is also a good source of selenium and magnesium. Selenium helps people with asthma and rheumatoid arthritis while magnesium lowers high blood pressure, reduces migraines and also prevents heart attack.
Mustard is the oldest condiment known. No one knows who first used mustard to flavor food. Mustard is used in salad dressings, egg dishes, cheese dishes, pickles and vegetables. Sometimes, mustard is also rubbed over meat before roasting. Mustard is used as an emulsifier, a water binding agent, and for texture control in many foods. In mayonnaise, mustard flour stabilizes oil-in-water emulsions while in meat products ground mustard acts as a binding agent which allows for easier slicing.
Mustard is an excellent source of nectar and pollen for honey bees. Mustard is the world's third most important spice after salt and pepper, and in temperate regions it is the most important native spice. The term "mustard" is believed to be derived from the practice of mixing the sweet must of old wine with crushed mustard seed to form a paste, mustum ardeus (hot must), hence mustard. Interestingly enough, mustard is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family and it shares the same cancer-preventing benefits of broccoli, cabbage and kale.
Mustard is available in the form of seeds, powders, oil, and a myriad of prepared mustards. Mustard oil made from mustard seeds is usually used to pickle foods. Mustard is also used as an ingredient in many ready-cooked dishes, fritters, crackers, appetizers, various flours marketed for pizzas, fritters, dehydrated products for soups. Mustard is even present in baby food.
The Chinese have used licorice for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The essence of the Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice) plan, glycrrhizin, is 50 time sweeter than sugar. Chewing on bits of licorice root is said to enhance love and lust. It is particularly stimulating to woman.
Liquorice is deep rooting and is best grown in the ground. It does not usually grow well in containers unless they are large and very deep. Liquorice is a potent tasting herb, which is used traditionally in making the confectionery which bears the same name although some liquorice sweets are now made today using artificial flavouring. While it has its own healing properties, it is often used to flavour other medicinal herbs.
Liquorice is obtained from the natural roots of the plant Glycyrrihiza Glabra. This perennial, which grows to five feet high has dark green leaves and pale mauve flowers and thrives best in sandy dry soil near a natural water source. Liquorice is grown as a root crop mainly in southern Europe. The root of the plant is simply dug up, washed and chewed as mouth-freshener. Historically, it is also linked with Pontefract in Yorkshire, England, which has an annual liquorice festival. Liquorice is a spice and flavourant that has a long history of use. Thorough research studies and clinical trails have shown its effectiveness in chest related diseases and for patients with ulcers. Liquorice is popular in Italy (particularly in the South) and Spain in its natural form.
Liquorice is a very popular confectionery. Annually 32 million kilo liquorice is consumed in the Netherlands, but the production is even much higher. Liquorice is also a powerful anti-inflammatory and soothing herb useful for peptic ulcers, gastritis, indigestion, dry irritating coughs , pharyngitis and laryngitis. It helps the body to dissolve mucus in the lungs and bronchial tubes, and also works as an anti-spasmodic , thus suppressing dry, tickly coughs.
Pumpkin seeds contain zinc, which is important in testosterone production for men and also helps to sustain sexual desire in women. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in the essential fatty acid omega 3, which acts as a precursor of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that play a key role in sexual health. Deficiency in these fats leads to all manner of problems such as heart disease, depression and cancer just to name a few .Word on the street is that a diet rich in pumpkin seeds will enhance potency, drive and fertility. Pumpkin seeds are also thought to help urinary tract infections in women. It may also promote prostate health since components in pumpkin seed oil appears to interrupt the triggering of prostate cell multiplication by testosterone and DHT. A patient with an irritable blader also can benefit from the healing properties of pumpkin seeds.
Pumpkin seeds are also a great source of A and B vitamins, calcium, potassium, protein, amino acids, iron, and fiber. It's easy to make and prepare any nutritious snack. Eat a handful of pumpkin seeds an hour or so before your rendezvous to get a lift from tyrosine, a mood-elevating amino acid that has ben shown to snack increases alertness, giving you an energy boost before bedtime. Eat them raw or roast them at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes with oil and a pinch of salt. If you can't seem to find any pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds or pine nuts are just as good.
Pumpkin seeds are the only seeds you can roast. Roasting pumpkin seeds (usually scooped out of jack-o-lanterns ) is a popular Halloween treat and try roasting the seeds from any winter squash. Pumpkin seeds are also called pepitas which are great tossed in salads, mixed with grains, or ground up and added to salad dressings, casseroles, soups, and baked goods. Both hulled and unhulled pumpkin seeds are enjoyed as a dry-roasted snack food. It is undoubtedly a nutritious treat for everyone in the family. It is a great snack to grab when you are on the go, and you can eat them without feeling guilty.
In the 1930's fennel was found to be a source of natural plant estrogens. Use of fennel as an aphrodisiac dates back to the Egyptian times where it was used as "libido enhancement".
Surprisingly enough, fennel is related to celery. Both plants are part of the parsley family, and just like celery, fennel is very high in fiber and very low in calories. Fennel smells surprisingly nice, spicy and licorice-like mixed with elemi or ground with lavender buds for incense. Fennel is used externally to treat conjunctivitis and skin problems. An infusion of fennel seeds is used as eyewash. It is also said to restore damaged liver cells.
Fennel is available from fall through spring. It is covered with clusters of tiny yellow flowers in mid summer, which turn to dark-brown fruits in the autumn. Fennel is native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean area. It is the most important species in the genus Foeniculum (treated as the sole species by many botanists), and is native to southern Europe (especially by the Mediterranean) and southwestern Asia. Fennel is a deep-rooted perennial which produces 95% of its oil within the coating of its seeds, which are held on one umbel. This has enabled simple grain harvesting and handling systems to be modified and used for harvest.
Fennel is rich in vitamin C, potassium, iron and calcium. Fennel is a perennial plant that grows to anywhere from 5 to 7 feet tall and has dark green, feathery leaves, but should be divided and re-planted every few years as the plants tend to lose flavour as they mature. They are propagated from seed and enjoy full sun and rich, well-drained soil. Fennel is great in combination with leeks. Fennel is especially good with seafood and fish, simply slice it thin over the top of the fish before cooking, and it will add a great flavor.
Coriander is one of the herbs thought to have aphrodisiac qualities. The book of The Arabian nights tells a tale of a merchant who had been childless for 40 years and but was cured by a concoction that included coriander. That book is over 1000 years old so the history of coriander as an aphrodisiac dates back far into history. Cilantro was also know to be used as an "appetite" stimulant.
Coriander is a good herb to grow in any herb garden. Coriander is native to southwestern Asia west to north Africa. It is a soft, hairless plant growing to 50 cm (20 inches) tall.It is fairly easy to grow, needs little care outside of weeding, and is very useful in the kitchen. Coriander is the dried, ripe fruit of the herb Coriandum sativum. The tannish brown seeds have a sweetly aromatic flavor which is slightly lemony.
Coriander is a spice made from the seed of the Cilantro plant. The plant, which is also called the Coriander plant or Chinese Parsley , is a member of the carrot and parsley family. Coriander is an annual plant that grows about 2 feet tall. It has finely divided leaves that are both strong-smelling and ill-tasting. Coriander is used in condiments, desserts, liqueurs, perfumes and in candies. Sugar covered coriander was known as comfits; these were used ceremoniously as a predecessor of paper confetti.
Coriander is quite nutritious, being rich in Vitamin C, calcium phosphorus and beta carotene. Research carried out in the United States suggests that coriander may be beneficial for lowering blood-cholesterol. Coriander is also said to have the flavour of roasted orange peel, which makes the two perfect partners. Serve the soup with plenty of warm crusty bread. Coriander is used as an aromatic spice in Chinese, Indian, and European cooking. It is used in chutneys, curries, marinades and in sausages. Coriander is an important ingredient in spice blends like garam masala and Indian curry. In Russia and Central Europe, you'll find coriander rather than caraway in rye bread; it also shows up in falafel, comfits, and dukka, an Egyptian appetizer.
Caffeine is a well-know stimulant but remember, too much and it becomes a depressant. Serve small amounts of rich dark coffee in special little demitasse cups. Coffee stimulates both the body and the mind so partake of a little in preparation for an "all-nighter". Some might even say that coffee is like sex, in that it's better when there's an element of sudden death involved.
Caffeine essentially wakes the brain up, helping a person get through the day. After the caffeine wears off, however, it may have a depressive effect on a person's mood. Caffeine, coffee's main ingredient is a mild addictive stimulant. And coffee does have modest cardiovascular effects such as increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and occasional irregular heartbeat that should be considered.
Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, including a group of compounds called "quinines" which when administered to rats in a laboratory, increases their insulin sensitivity. The inreased sensitivity improves the body's response to insulin. Coffee is actually known by connoisseurs as a 'sweet' beverage.
Coffee is the seed of a cherry from the tree genus Coffea, a tree yielding about 1kg (2lb) of coffee per year. There are more than 25 species of coffee, the 3 main commercial types being Robusta, Liberia and Arabica, the latter representing 70% of total production. Coffee is the beverage of the people of God, and the cordial of his servants who thirst for wisdom. When coffee is infused into the bowl, it exhales the odor of musk, and is of the color of ink.
Another good reason to eat carrots as it is believed to be a stimulant to the male. The phallus shaped carrot has been associated with stimulation since ancient times and was used by early Middle Eastern royalty to aid seduction. High vitamins and beta-carotene. Perhaps a justification for a piece of carrot cake?
Carrots are now regularly bred in purple, red, yellow and white, in addition to orange, and scientists say that there is added nutritional benefit to choosing a colorful vegetable over a more conventional one. Carrots are in practically all coleslaw recipes, providing color and flavor to the slaw. They are often juiced and marketed as a health drink, either alone or mixed with other fruits and vegetables. Carrots are available and in season all year long. Look for well shaped carrots. Carrots are one of those vegetables that loses very little nutritional value during cooking. In fact, some nutrients in slightly cooked carrots are more available to the body than raw carrots.
Carrots are mechanically harvested by undercutting the roots and elevating them out of the soil and into the machine by grasping the leaves. Thus, it is important to maintain healthy leaves until the carrots are harvested. Carrots are irrigated mainly using overhead sprinklers, centre-pivot and lateral move irrigators with water drawn from bores, rivers and dams.
Carrots are biennial plants so once they shoot up (leaves and a flower/seedstalk), the quality/nutrition of the carrot goes down. A biennial plant dies during its second season, after setting seed. Carrots are well known for their sweetening, antianaemic, healing, diuretic, remineralizing and sedative properties. Carrots are good for you, so you know that even if you eat them in large quantities they are not going to affect you negatively. The worst thing that happens is that you snack on something healthy and see no change; the best thing is that it improves the quality of your cervical mucus allowing you to get pregnant easily.
Carrots are an excellent source of the deep yellow carotenoids that produce vitamin A. They are also a good source of magnesium, potassium, vitamins C and B complex, and a form of calcium that is easily absorbed by the body. Carrots are a staple around the world. Cuddled by the soil, they are cared for by the earth and encouraged by their organic gardener. Carrots are delicious eaten raw or cooked. Beta-carotene is not destroyed by cooking; in fact, cooking breaks down the fiber, making this nutrient and carrots' sugars more available, thus also making them taste sweeter. It is beta-carotene that gives carrots their orange colour. Beta carotene is made into vitamin A in our bodies so it plays an important role in keeping us healthy.
Carrots are easy to raise and easy to harvest but carrots are subject to salt injury; therefore, apply fertilizer at least 7 days before planting. Broadcasting fertilizer is best; however, if banding is done, bands should be at least 3 inches to the side of the row and 5 inches deep. Carrots are grown on farms and in family gardens throughout the world. They grown down into the soil instead of up toward the sunshine.
The Aztecs referred to chocolate "nourishment of the Gods". Chocolate contains chemicals thought to effect neurotransmitters in the brain and a related substance to caffeine called theobromine. Chocolate contains more antioxidant (cancer preventing enzymes) than does red wine. The secret for passion is to combine the two. Try a glass of Cabernet with a bit of dark chocolate for a sensuous treat or let us temp you with our recipe for Chocolate Espresso Pots de creme.
Choose chocolate for a sweet tooth and for a sweet sexual experience. Chocolate produces a release of serotonin which can be stimulating to physical contact desires and also sedating in lowering inhibitions. Eating dark chocolate changes blood sugar levels leading to sexual excitement. When its time to pick dessert, a good choice to enhance sex and romance with food, pick something with rich, dark chocolate.
Chocolate is processed from the bitter seeds of the cacao tree, which contain a family of compounds known as methylxanthines. This class of substances includes caffeine and the related chemical theobromine. Besides theobromine, an alkaloid, it also contains phenylethylamine, a chemical believed to produce the feeling of "being in love." So, when your woman talks about how good chocolate makes her feel, there is some science behind it. In addition, dark chocolate has a massive amount of anti-oxidants, which are great for the body in general, as they help maintain the immune system. Besides the direct obvious benefits of chocolates, the plant has a flower that looks like sex organs.
Chocolate is healthy if you are eating the right chocolate and is a luxury food, just like a fine wine or coffee. It is a rich source of magnesium and phosphorus. Chocolate is an indulgence that everyone can afford, and it provides comfort, pleasure and happiness. It is an extremely dry food and it's odd to think of a melted solid as dry, but imagine molten metal - it's a liquid, but has no water content.
The ground seeds of various plants in the brassica family were believed to increase virility. In the case of broccoli rabe its more likely a myth created to get people to eat this bitter vegetable.
Broccoli Rabe is a member of the broccoli member, but with small loose florets intermingled with leaves of the plant, and is available year-round, but cool weather brings out the best in this vegetable, mellowing its harsh edge slightly. Broccoli rabe is available in supermarkets that carry specialty produce, or in an Italian market. Depending on where you shop, you may see it labeled as broccoli raab, rapini, broccoletti, or cima di rapa. When shopping for broccoli rabe, look for thin stalks and pass over any bunches showing a white core at the base of the stem.
Broccoli rabe has a bitter but zesty flavor and cccording to popular belief, broccoli rabe is better cooked than raw as a light steaming brings out its distinctive taste. Broccoli rabe is very popular in Italy, where it is fried, steamed or braised . It is also used in soups and salads. If you happen to grow your own broccoli rabes, try to remember not to pick up wilted or tired looking ones.
Is said to stimulate the sex drive and boost fertility. It is also said to produce a general sense of well being for body and mind. Basil is well known to increase blood circulation, stimulates the sex drive and boosts fertility! But most importantly, its scent is supposed to drive both men and women wild! According to history, basil oil was once employed by Mediterranean prostitutes as a perfume to attract customers! Generally, basil is sought after for its aphrodisiac, insect repellent and mentally-uplifting characteristics.
Basil is best used fresh, but can be dried or frozen and it works best if stored in an oil or vinegar. Basil is a very aromatic plant which has the stimulating properties of mint, but is hotter. In other words, basil has a rich, mildly peppery flavor with a trace of mint. Great to burn while working or reading, helps you to concentrate and uplifts your mood.
Basil is very sensitive to cold, with best growth in hot, dry conditions. While most common varieties are treated as annuals, some are perennial, including African Blue and Holy Thai basil. Basil is a popular culinary herb and its essential oils have been used extensively for many years in food products, perfumery and dental and oral products. Basil is officially known as Ocimum basilicum. Ocimum is derived from a Greek verb that means “to be fragrant.” Basil has been cultivated in India and Asia for over 5000 years.
Basil is primarily a culinary herb. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties, but it is not an important herb for modern clinical herbalists. Basil is thought to have significant health effects, particularly in improving the health of the cardiovascular system. Great for strong eyesight and healthy skin and hair. Herbalists also recommend basil tea for stomach aches, indigestion and constipation.
Basil is easy to grow but is very susceptible to cold weather. Basil is very chilling sensitive, however, with typical symptoms of damage being blackening of the leaves and loss of aroma. Basil is a low-maintenance plant, but do take note that for any grower who wants an early crop, seedlings should be started indoors by sowing seeds in trays or flats. Although it prefers full sun, it will grow in partial shade.
Basil is one of the two most sacred plants in India. Basil is indeed a good companion plant for tomatoes. The two have the same growing requirements, are both vigorous plants, and grow to about the same size. Basil is used in the traditional cuisine of Ionian islands and Western Crete, though the sweet and aromatic fragrance seems to be more popular in the past than it is today. Today, the plant is mainly grown for its aroma and is widely used in cosmetics, perfumes, shampoos and soaps.
Any Indian dried, powedered herb used as a sexual stimulant in Ayurvedic medicine. The herb has a very strong, garlicy flavor. Asafetida is known to increase the secretion of the female hormone, progesterone. Thus it facilitates menstruation.
Dried asafetida is basically made up of a resin (25 to 60% of the total mass. Asafetida is a flavoring obtained from a giant fennel-like plant that grows mainly in Iran and India. It's used in many Indian dishes and can be found in powdered or lump form in Indian markets.
Asafetida is conventionally used as water decoction or pill, wherein the special strong odor of asafetida is difficult to be covered up and therefore limits its application. Use of modern preparation technology may cover up or weaken the special odor of asafetida. Asafetida is most often combined with other herbs. For example, in the treatment of gastrointestinal problems, one sees it combined with other carminatives, such as milk thistle, chelidonium, boldo and dandelion root. Asafetida is available at Indian grocers and specialty stores.
Asafetida is a potent spice that is India's answer to the truffle. In most Indian spice shops this resin from fennel-like plants comes ground in small tins. Asafetida is a bad smelling substance prepared from the juice of certain plants of the parsley family and is extremely unpleasant if tasted on its own. Asafetida is a good example for the overlapping of culinary and medicinal use of a plant. Particularly in South India, asafetida is almost canonical for the preparation of legumes (beans, peas, lentils).
Asafetida is claimed to be a preventive medicine for infectious diseases. It has been used in medicine as an antispasmodic. Asafetida is also conventionally used as water decoction or pill, wherein the special strong odor of asafetida is difficult to be covered up and therefore limits its application. However, the use of modern preparation technology may cover up or weaken the special odor of asafetida. In most cases, asafetida is not used externally but internally, and it is prescribed to aid the action of other purgatives, and also to stimulate the muscular coat to expel flatus. Asafetida is sold in lump and ground form and is available at Indian and Middle Eastern markets or kalustyans.com. If unavailable, garlic powder makes a good substitute.
Arugula or "rocket" seed has been documented as an aphrodisiac since the first century A.D. Arugula is sometimes called rocket, maybe because it grows from seed to maturity so quickly.
Arugula greens are frequently used in salads and pasta. It’s a cool-weather green and is often quite sandy and may require several washings. Peppery and bright, it is a salad that makes you sit up straighter.
Arugula is often viewed as a salad green, but it's actually a herb, a member of the mustard family, which explains it's bold, nippy flavor. If you want a more muted flavor, choose young arugula, which has small leaves. Arugula is very low in calories and is a good source of vitamins A and C, folate , calcium , and magnesium . It can be eaten raw, added to salads with other salad greens , or cooked. Arugula is often pulled up roots and all. In commercial operations it is often cut, bunched and packed into cartons in the field, much like spinach.
Furthermore, arugula is a bitter green, also know as “aromatic” by people who find bitter to be too negative a word. It has a peppery flavor that kicks in a few seconds after you begin to chew on it. Arugula is an uber-food for some of us and a good complimentary addition to any soup you're making. Perhaps based on its taste and nutritional values, arugula is often chosen over broccoli, some might say broccoli's closest competitor. Arugula is also very low in calories and is a excellent source of vitamins A and C, folate, calcium and magnesium. It can be eaten raw, added to salads with other salad greens, or cooked and served as a side dish.
A very popular aphrodisiac with many culinary uses. It has been used as an aphrodisiac since the Greeks and the Romans, who believed aniseed had special powers. Sucking on the seeds is said to increases your desire.
Aniseed is also a common component for combinations with fennel. In the USA, fennel seeds are a frequent ingredient for galactagogue remedies. Aniseed is considered one of the best herbs in medicine for its properties to relieve flatulence and to remove catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tube. Aniseed induces copious perspiration and increases the volume and discharge of urine. Aniseed is a plant that is used for many purposes and can be made into a liquid scent or its leaves can be also used for teas or cooking.
Aniseed is available whole or ground. It is mainly used to cover foul tasting flavors in drugs and used in detergents, perfumes as well as a food flavoring. Besides that, aniseed is one of the very important herbs for the medical uses, which includes the leaves that are used to treat many problems related to the digestion and also for toothache relief.
Aniseed is a culinary herb and it is very useful for breaking up mucus and is thus used for chronic coughs where expectoration is difficult. Aniseed is a member of the parsley family and native to the Eastern Mediterranean. Nowadays it grows in all warm climates. Aniseed is wind and gas repellent, aids in digestion, is diuretic, improves eye-sight, refreshes mouth and removes bad small helps the bowels to expel faecal matters, relieves pain in joints. Boil about 6 grams of aniseed in water and let it cool and bottle it thereafter.
Aniseed is a herbal plant from the Apiaceae family of plants that produces an essential oil used for a wide variety of medicinal and culinary purposes. Used as a cure for sleeplessness, toothache and even scorpion stings in the time of Pliny the Elder, who wrote about the many benefits of this remarkable plant. Aniseed is a small annual herb native to the Mediterranean coastal areas of Greece and Egypt.
Its tiny reddish-brown seed-like fruits are highly scented with that familiar "licorice" scent that makes aniseed such a gift to so many industries. Aniseed is healthy because its essential oils assist digestion. Furthermore aniseed is full of iron and magnesium, which increase your energy and benefit your heart and blood pressure. These nutritions are great factor in providing better stamina and blood circulation in your love workouts.
Aniseed is mostly used in Middle eastern recipes and flat breads. Maybe, it would taste great on our naans. Aniseed is an annual herbaceous plant and it bears vivid green leaves and clusters of white flowers. Aniseed is probably one of the oldest cultivated spices as the early Egyptians were already using it, as did Greeks and Romans, who used it to flavor chicken, pork, vegetables, and some small spicy cakes, served at the end of a copious meal as a digestive.
Kelp is regarded as seaweed. There are incredible varieties of seaweed. Kelp as a food is an important part of many island cultures. It has successfully been used in the treatment of dry skin and cellulite.
A new study led by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, has found that a diet containing kelp seaweed lowered levels of the potent sex hormone estradiol in rats, and raised hopes that it might decrease the risk of estrogen-dependent diseases such as breast cancer in humans.
Kelp is also beneficial to the nervous and endocrine systems. It enhances the function of the adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary glands, and supports brain health and function. Kelp is an excellent source of iodine, a major component of thyroxine and triiodothyronine, hormones that affect weight gain and cellular metabolic rates. Iodine feeds the thyroid which controls metabolism. Kelp is usually brown. This seaweed is used by people as food, a food additive, fertilizer (when reduced to ash), and as an ingredient in many other products. Kelp is the richest single source of trace minerals.
Kelp is recognizable as the seaweed you may have seen on a trip to the beach. It is anchored to the ocean floor by a structure known as a holdfast, and most of its body resembles a stem with leaves, correctly termed a stipes with blades. Kelp is a type of algae which has a number of uses in food, especially in Asian cuisine. It can also be processed to extract useful substances like alginate, which is used as a thickener in various commercially produced foods.
Very low in cholesterol and sodium, this food is a good source of dietary fiber, protein, vitamin B6, folate, magnesium and copper, and a very good source of thiamin, phosphorus, zinc, manganese and selenium. (Another powerhouse that you should use often.)
Wheat germ is sold in both toasted and natural forms and is used to add nutrition to a variety of foods. The wheat endosperm, which makes up the majority of the kernel, is full of starch, protein, niacin and iron. Wheat germ is one of the most nutritional products available. In fact, wheat germ contains 23 nutrients, and has more nutrients per ounce than any other vegetable or grain, giving wheat germ the title as one of the 'food stuffs of life'. Its high vitamin and mineral content make it an extremely nutritious food.
Wheat germ is basically one of three parts of every grain or seed. It's called germ because it germinates into a new plant. Wheat germ is the reproductive area or embryo from which the seed germinates to form the sprout that becomes the green wheat grass. The term "germ" comes from the word germinate, and does not refer to "germs" such as bacteria and viruses. Wheat germ is one of the best remedies that can be recommended to help overcome a tendency to premature birth. It is also used in many quality skin care products and believed to improve colon function, nourish the skin, lower cholesterol and boost the immune system.
Wheat germ is a food source, and is part of the breads and cereals food group. Wheat germ is more perishable than other dry cereals and once opened should be stored in the refrigerator to prevent rancidity. It is a byproduct of the production of white four and is rather carby and tends to go rancid quickly. Wheat germ is available in its natural flaked form, as well as in an extracted oil form.
This food is a great source of protein, vitamins, and pantothenic acid which makes for easier absorption, which in turn provides lots of energy as well as stress relief - a great combination.
Royal jelly is also a supreme source of progesterone and estrogen. If we understand what is in it, we can really get some benefits.
Royal jelly is the only known source of 10-hydroxy-2dekenoic acid (10-HDA, a possible anti-cancer component), which is largely responsible for the antimicrobial properties.
Royal jelly is a creamy product secreted by young nurse worker bees for feeding to the queen, queen larvae, and other young larvae. It is totally synthesized by the bees in the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands and is derived from the proteins and nutrients in the pollen ingested by the secreting bees.
Royal Jelly is one of the world's most complete concentrated natural food sources. It has been proven to be antibacterial in the laboratory. Royal jelly's chemistry has been studied and contains all the essential amino acids, unsaturated fats, natural sugars, minerals, and the B vitamins (B5 and B6). Royal jelly is high in the B vitamin pantothenic acid, recognized for its ability to reduce stress levels. Royal jelly is available in various forms. In its pure state, it is a jelly that must be kept under refrigeration. It also supplies the minerals calcium, copper, iron, phosphorous, potassium, silicon, and sulfur.
Aside from being very low in cholesterol and sodium, this food is a very good source of Vitamin K, nitrogenous (eg, choline) compounds and phosphorus.
Lecithin is composed of a group of phosphorus containing fats or phospholipids the most important being phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidylethanolamine. It helps with sexual excitement and proper blood flow, which is important to sexual arousal as well as stronger orgasms.
Lecithin is found in a large range of foods. Good sources include cabbage, cauliflower, chickpeas, green beans, lentils, soybeans, corn, split peas, calves' liver, eggs, brewer's yeast, grains, legumes, fish, and wheat germ. Lecithin is a major dietary source of choline, a substance that may theoretically improve brain functioning in people with dementia or similar problems (including Alzheimer's disease). Lecithin is responsible for maintaining the surface tension of the cell membrane. It therefore controls what goes in and out of each cell, allowing nutrients in, or wastes out.
Lecithin is useful in moving cholesterol out of the body in water and maintaining a healthy liver in general. Other benefits in addition to lowering cholesterol include making fat-soluble vitamins more easily absorbable in the body. Lecithin is composed of high amounts of phospholipids which help to monitor cholesterol levels and keep cell membranes more ductile. Lecithin has been shown to reduce LDL, the "bad" cholesterol.
Lecithin is absolutely vital for the synthesis of the brain's primary memory neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. When acetylcholine levels decline, so do concentration, and the ability to retain and recall information. Lecithin is produced within our own bodies, and can be found in the major organs: the heart, the liver, and the kidneys, acting as an important phospholipid needed by all living cells.
This is another food that is abundant in nutrients needed for optimum sexual performance, including Zinc. It’s also one of the best sources of phosphorus. This food also provides nutrients that help with muscle contraction i.e. more frequent and intense orgasms. (Most other seafoods are also great sources of sexual nutrients). Caviar has been regarded as a love food with few peers precisely because it is so elusive, expensive and delicious.
Some might be discouraged looking at the price range of caviars, but much medical opinion vouches for the vaunted food's aphrodisiac powers. It is also made popular by its ability to nourish and enhance nerve cells, hence producing an extremely heightened romantic instincts.
Caviar is the processed, salted roe of certain species of fish, most notably the sturgeon. It is an expensive delicacy consisting of the unfertilized eggs (roe) of sturgeon brined with a salt solution. Classic caviar comes primarily from Iran or Russia, harvested by commercial fishermen working in the Caspian Sea. It's best to keep sealed until you're ready to serve. Being a very luxurious anti-aging substance that is very easily oxidizable, it is best presented in glass cosmetic ampoules. Dermastir Caviar Ampoules promote cell regeneration and it is the most luxurious anti-age ingredient on the market.
Caviar is relatively cheap in Russia and is a good choice of a gift to bring back home. They serve roe eggs from a variety of fish. Caviar is known to provide significant levels of this life-sustaining source and is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Caviar also has a cell format that is similar to human skin, helping to improve the health of the scalp.
Brewer's yeast is used in the making of beer but is also known to be used in supplements. Brewer's yeast is one of the most nutrient-dense foods known. In addition, ingestion of brewers yeast can produce favorable (and possibly cancer-preventing) effects on the intestinal system. It is is one of the foods that are the entire B complex - known and unknown. It is called the miracle food discovery of our life time. Brewer's yeast is another one of those substances that's called a "complete food." While it has a very potent taste and smell, it's packed with lots of 'sexy' nutrients: It contains all the essential amino acids, a great source of protein and B-complex vitamins, as well as Chromium, Zinc, Iron, Phosphorus, and Selenium.
Having the same qualities as the brewer's yeast, as having lots of 'sexy' nutrients, torula yeast is an all-natural source of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It contains taurine which is essential for normal function of ones heart, eyes, central nervous system and brain helth. Torula yeast is also found in baby foods, cereals, imitation bacon, beverages, and many diet foods. Torula yeast is used in the smear for the ripening of brick and limberger cheese. It is also a standard source of protein in larval diets although Brewer's yeast may also be used.
Hard to believe but this is one of the best quality of protein out there. It has been said to offer greater sexual endurance and nourishes the neuro-genital reflex since it’s packed with natural enzymes, amino acids hormones, vitamins and minerals. Bee pollen is a popular nutritional supplement that provides a variety of vitamins and minerals as well as the nutrients comprising the pollen as a 'whole-food.' This combination of elements make bee pollen an excellent source of antioxidants.
Bee pollen is flower pollen that is collected by bees when they land on the flower to collect nectar. Pollen granules stick to the bees' legs and other body parts as they help themselves to nectar (the precursor of honey) inside the flowers. Bee pollen is high in aspartic acid and is 35% protein. It is best to take bee pollen in the morning and/or early afternoon so that the body is energized throughout the day and able to shut down and rest during the night. Bee Pollen is also taken to prevent hay fever. People believe that ingesting Bee Pollen will help to build resistance to them. It's good for your skin, increasing blood supply to stimulate cell growth, preventing dehydration and smoothing wrinkles. Bee pollen is a very potent food and consumption of one or two teaspoons per day is about right for most people.
To be precise on bee pollen's nutritional values, it is rich in minerals and vitamins, including calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc, riboflavin, thiamin and vitamins A,B6,C,D,E and K, and including 12 different unsaturated fatty acids. It also contains biotin, a vitamin that is important for the skin, hair and nails. Bee Pollen is also a great source of free amino acids, essential fatty acids which includes the Omega 3 fatty acids, and carbohydrates. Bee Pollen contains 15% lecithin by volume.
Bee Pollen is an excellent natural source of B-vitamins, protein, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes. Bee Propolis has been used medicinally for over 2,000 years. Bee pollen is among the oldest known dietary supplements. Its use as a rejuvenator and medicine date back to the early Egyptians and ancient Chinese. Bee Pollen is considered by many to be nature's perfect food. Propolis is a great natural antibiotic.
Bee Pollen is a good supplement for dieters or those who need added nutrition. Bee pollen is also the richest source of three B vitamins for al foods on the list. Bee Pollen is a low-calorie food containing approximately ninety calories per 25g (about two heaped tablespoons).
Figs are actually the flowers of the fig tree. An open fig is thought to emulate the female sex organs and traditionally thought of as sexual stimulant. For the ancient Greeks the fig was one of the sacred foods associated with fertility and love. In some Southern European countries wedding guests throw figs (instead of rice) at the newly weds, as a sign of fertility.
Figs are succulent when poached in wine, or with honey or syrup. To poach, place them in a saucepan and cover with syrup, red or white wine, or port. Figs are also an excellent source of dietary fiber. Be aware that they have a laxative effect because of the roughage of the fiber and the enzyme ficin.
Figs are also high in calcium, which protects bone density. Moreover, their potassium may reduce the amount of calcium lost as a result of high-salt diets. Figs are sold in various markets around the world, but usually not by name. Figs are full of fiber, calcium and antioxidants, which means they're good for you. They're tasty fresh, in salads and other dishes. A single fig contains more polyphenols, which help fight free radicals in the body, than a cup of green tea.
Kiwifruit is one of the world's most nutritious fruit and it contains very high levels of vitamin C, potassium and chlorphyll. It contains a wealth of nutrients and antioxidants. The high value of vitamin C and potassium, gives oranges and bananas a run for their money. It's a good source of fiber and lutein (a carotenoid thought to benefit eye health). Kiwifruit is now the popular symbol of New Zealand itself.
Besides vitamin C, kiwifruit is also high in antioxidant and a good source of fiber, and vitamin E. It is fat free, sodium free and cholesterol free. Kiwifruit is a great tasting, highly nutritious treat. To eat, cut the fruit in half, then scoop the delicious flesh right out of the skin. Kiwifruit is high in potassium ions, important for maintaining a healthy blood pressure, as well as normal heart function. Kiwifruits' protein-digesting enzymes (proteases) enable it to have a cooling effect on heartburn.
Kiwifruit is available all year. Choose firm, plump, light brown kiwi that gives slightly to the touch. Kiwifruit is among the small number of foods that contain measurable amounts of oxalates. Oxalates are a salt or ester of oxalic acid that is a naturally occurring substance in plants, animals and humans.
This high quantity of vitamin C or ascorbic acid increases intercourse frequency and improves mood, based on a randomized controlled clinical trial. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, modulates catecholaminergic activity, decreases stress reactivity, approach anxiety and prolactin release, improves vascular function, and increases oxytocin release. These processes are relevant to sexual behavior and mood.
Acerola (Malpighia glabra) or Acerolla, also known as Barbados cherry or wild crapemyrtle, is a tropical fruit-bearing shrub or small tree in the family Malpighiaceae. It ranges from southern Texas south through Mexico and the Caribbean to Peru and Bahia in Brazil. The fruit is bright red, 1.5-2 cm diameter, containing 2-3 hard seeds. It is juicy, often as much sour as sweet in flavor, and very high in vitamin C and other nutrients. This high quantity of vitamin C or ascorbic acid increases intercourse frequency and improves mood, based on a randomized controlled clinical trial.
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, modulates catecholaminergic activity, decreases stress reactivity, approach anxiety and prolactin release, improves vascular function, and increases oxytocin release. These processes are relevant to sexual behavior and mood.
Almonds are a nutritional powerhouse, packed with calcium, fiber, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin E and are an excellent source of desirable monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Almonds are also quite nutritrous despire being calorie dense. Almonds are brimming with nutrients that can help you lose weight. When overweight Americans used about 2/3 cup of almonds per day as part of a weight loss diet, they increased weight loss by 62%. If you think that you don't look good in nude, now is a good time to start shaping that body up. Almonds are also beneficial in the treatment of pimples or acne.
Throughout the ages, almonds are symbol of fertility. The aroma is thought to induce passion in women.
Asparagus is low in calories, contains no fat or cholesterol and is low in sodium. It is also a good source of folic acid, potassium and fibre and is rich in amino acid, vitamin A, C and E. Vitamin E in this case, has long been thought of as 'the sex vitamin'. It also contains glutathione, a cancer-fighting chemical that can help prevent damage to cells and DNA. Asparagus is an investment, and like most investments, requires some specific steps in order to reap rewards. The Vegetarian Society suggests eating asparagus for three days for the most powerful affect.
Given it's phallic shape that acts as a libido booster, asparagus is frequently enjoyed as an aphrodisiac food. For a sensuous experience, serve your lover boiled or steamed spears.
Chili peppers Chili peppers are so popular that you might even see paintings with chili peppers at fair exhibits. Chili peppers are popular in food as they are rich in vitamin C and are believed to have many beneficial effects on health. The flesh of the peppers provides us with a nutritious meal rich in vitamin C. Chili peppers are well known for their red hot reputation. Many are indeed fiery, but many others are sweet, mild, or richly flavored.
Most importantly though, chilies have a substance called capsaicin, which triggers the release of endorphins, the feel good chemical for your body and your brain. Not enough of that, endorphins also stimulates nerve endings and raises your heart rate, something pretty common and essential in the lovemaking scene.
Raw Garlic Raw Garlic is good for high blood pressure and to lower the blood cholesterol level, and reducing cramps and spasm in muscles. Garlics are also said to play hero roles with such killer diseases as heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure and cancer. In studies conducted in the US and Pakistan, consumption of garlic was seen to have reduced the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood especially when combined with low fat, low calorie diet. Garlics are often used to improve taste and flavor, but some may not agree on this as it causes some breath issues, but looking at its benefits, some extra breath mints will do the trick to move along (take garlic capsules instead if you don't like the idea of having an unpleasent breath before a romantic session).
Garlic contains allicin, an ingredient that increases blood flow to the sexual organs. As such, it's a highly effective herb to help increase libido.
Ginger Ginger is a wonderful spice that appeals to all senses. It is warming and stimulating, and promotes gastric secretions, which aid the absorption of food. Ginger is useful for treating an upset stomach, preventing symptoms of nausea and motion sickness, and increasing the action and tone of the bowel. Its anti-tumor properties and ability to reduce the risk of blood clot formation makes it a useful herb for lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Ginger root raw, cooked or crystallized is also believed to be an aphrodisiac, so give this gift to the one you love. Reports say that the smell of ginger apparently stimulates the circulatory system, increasing blood floow to the genitals in both men and women. You can take ginger mixed with your food, or simply by drinking ginger beer.
This food is one of the fastest to provide your body with sexual energy because it is very easily digested, absorbed and utilized by the body. This is also why atheletes are a fan of honey, right before intense physical activity. Combine a few spoonfuls of honey with a glass of milk, and a handful of nuts, and you’ll give yourself lots of explosive power. Milk and honey are often served together for a better healthier looking skin. I'm sure a smooth skin is essential when there's a lot of physical contact involved. Many medicines in Egyptian times were based on honey including cures for sterility and impotence.
It contains about 70% to 80% sugar; the rest is water, minerals and traces of protein, acids, and other substances. To be precise, honey has traces of 18 amino acids and several antioxidants (which are helpful in preventing cancer and heart disease), including three flavonoids.
The importance of honey as a food stuff, savory snack and a medicine is primarily based on its content of easily absorbable carbohydrates, aromatic substances which stimulate the appetite, mood and mineral components. Honey also has the added benefit of acting as a lubricant, preventing bandages from sticking, and it was widely used in medical treatment through the First World War. Speaking of which, honey is also beneficial in terms of "external" applications while you're savoring a romantic time with your partner. The extra added energy it provides will surely come in handy.
Honey is one of nature’s wonderful, miracle foods and can, for some people, no doubt help with coughs and colds. Honey is well known with a good source of glucose and fructose. It is a saturated solution of sugar made by bees that collect nectar which is a liquid secretion from flowers. The honeybees take this nectar back to their hives where they add enzymes to it and place it in wax cells called honeycombs. Honey is a wholesome product produced by bees from the nectar of flowers. Honey is predominantly carbohydrate and does not contain any fat.
Lamb liver is a great pick as well, with a great taste. Chicken liver has a slightly lower nutrient profile, but is still a great pick. Lamb liver is low in sodium and is also a good source of vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, phosphorus & manganese, also an excellent source of protein, vitamins A & B12, riboflavin, niacin, iron, zinc, copper and selenium. Like all our treats you can offer these at anytime and they will not detract from the diet of your furry friend, they will fortify it.
Beef liver in the other hand, is also full of vitamin B-12, iron, and a host of other beneficial nutrients. This supplement often assists in repairing damaged nerve tissue. It is a very rich source of riboflavin, but dairy products also supply ample amounts. Higher fat sources contain less than those with low fat. Beef liver is also rich in other minerals like phosphorous, calcium, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin B12, copper and vitamin C. Beef liver is actually far higher in choline than eggs.
Liver is generally a good source of glutamine, a cellular fuel for your immune system. The keywords you're searching here are obviously the B12 Vitamins and zinc. If you've read enough of the foods on this site, you're well aware what these nutritional values will provide a beneficial improvements to your sex life now and the future. Say no to a slowed-down libido.
A good source of glutamine -- a cellular fuel for your immune system -- liver may indeed increase a slowed-down libido. Granted, it's not the sexiest of foods, but if you add it to your basic diet, your body -- and your lady -- will thank you for it.
Zinc and Phosphorus (two of the sexiest minerals around) are what make this food a winner. Oysters are frequently associated with zinc, which controls levels of the hormone progesterone and raises sperm and testosterone production in men. In turn, progesterone levels are known to affect a person's libido. Speaking of which, they also contain dopamine, a hormone known to increase libido as well. Oysters are not only delicious, they are also one of the most nutritionally balanced food available. They are also a good source of Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Niacin and a very good source of Protein, Vitamin B12, Iron, Copper, Manganese and Selenium.
Oysters are considered low calorie, easier to digest than red meat, and high in vitamins. In general, 100 grams of oyster meat contains about 66 calories and 8.4 grams of protein, with only 1.8 grams of fat. Oysters are one of the few animals eaten entirely raw, but they are more than just a popular seafood: oyster shells are used in calcium supplements and in industrial processes. Because they are filter-feeders, oysters may ingest pollutants out of the water.
Oysters are not only palatable, but also contain a number of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins. Oysters are graded several times before they are sold to minimise parasite settlement and maximise growth opportunities. Oysters are often "fattened" or "soaked" in fresh water before being sent to market. This however, involves a loss in nutritive value. South Australian oysters are sold as Bistros, Plates, Standards, Large or Jumbos.
Oysters are best eaten when they are not feeling frisky. Oysters are commonly eaten raw in France in bars and as a 'bar fast food' but the home use tends to be mixed with a large usage in cooking - steamed or in paella or soups. The upper shell (valve) is flattish and is attached by an elastic ligament hinge to the lower, bowl-shaped shell.
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